Monday, June 23, 2014

Suffering & Joy

I love the way God mixes joy and suffering. That seems strange doesn't it? But the reality is that suffering happens. Sometimes the suffering is unbearable, painful and even paralyzing. Jesus suffered. And that suffering was so horrendous just because of the sin that was heaped upon him. But then added to that was the suffering of being abandoned by the Father at the cross… and there are no words to capture that type of pain. Knowing that Jesus took it because of his love for me and you leaves me stunned and speechless yet hopeful. I am left hopeful because a love that strong and deep is a love that conquers sin, death and that finiteness of life on this earth. It is a love that draws me to the fellowship of Jesus.

It’s in that fellowship with Jesus that suffering is mixed with joy – the joy of knowing God is here, he lives, he loves, he listens and knows our hearts and minds. Even in the midst of suffering when we can’t make sense of anything, still The Father knows and feels the pain with us.

I have experienced suffering both small and large. I wouldn’t wish any of it on anyone yet through it all I know that God has been awake, in control, still loving and very much present. While I wouldn’t wish any of that suffering on anyone, I still am thankful for growth that comes as the Father has drawn me closer. I so deeply love walking closely with Him – even if it’s in the pain. Strangely one of the hardest sufferings, perhaps the very hardest, is seeing my children suffer and not being able to take their pain upon myself.

But there also the Father meets me with his love and therein I find the strength of his joy

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