Dear SouthLake Family,
evening, July 23, marked a significant moment in all our lives. It was more
than turning the page to the next chapter of a book. It was opening the cover
of a new book. It’s a new life with new hope, new dreams, new loves… let’s
don’t stop short of his new life. The gap between our old life and new life is
spelled out in 2 Corinthians 5 which we will unpack this Sunday. John Newton
sings of it as well in Amazing Grace –
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see”
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see”
An event
from my life a few decades ago illustrates well the transformation Christ
brings about in us and individuals and as a community.
It was a
cold day, spitting rain and windy. Still I was out in it fishing. With weather
like that, there is little surprise that I didn’t catch any fish! But I didn’t
come home empty handed… Moving along the shore I heard a noise from an empty
boat shed. Curiosity got the better of me and I moved in to check it out. In
the back right corner, something cowered. It was winter on the lake and all the
summer residents had long since departed. The only live animals anywhere around
were sure to be wild. This one could have been a wounded deer or a rabid
coyote! I should have been more careful but instead I went on in. I was 13 year
old boy so who knows what was I thinking!? The mass turned out to be a very
large yet scrawny, shivering, wet, muddy and matted German Shepherd. She had
some open sores and something was wrong with one of her legs. And she was so
very scared. She was nothing but a mongrel that many would have just put to
sleep. I remember thinking that if she lived, this mongrel would need a name…
so I called her Duchess.

My life is
so much like that mongrel’s. With a soul that was lost, matted, muddy and
afraid, I was far from God. Yet he pursued me. He came into the dark corner and
called me out. He bound up my wounds, healed my soul, gave me a new name and a
place at his table. And I am ridiculously devoted to Christ Jesus my Lord!
God’s hand
of lavished love and incomprehensible grace might be strange to you but do not
fear his touch. He calls you out of the darkness to give you a place at his
table. Christ came that you might have life and have it to the fullest.
The thief comes only to steal and
kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. Jesus
in John 10:10
Anchored in Grace,
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